The Most Controversial Practices That DO NOT (Directly) Affect Your Google Rankings

Provided you know your conversion analytics, you can get a very accurate picture of the kind of practices that will or won’t directly affect Google rankings. Certainly this isn’t the only piece of data you’ll need to construct an accurate picture, but it is one of the most integral pieces of data in this regard.
Here are some other tips for small businesses that are looking to expand the effectiveness of their SEO program. What it all boils down to is designing content that reaches diverse people groups in order to reap from them those who align with that which your business stands for.
But further, reaching those groups requires understanding how the clientele your business caters to thinks. Even if your business is just a solitary YouTube channel, you’re still in a position to see profit should you play your cards right.
Today, one of the most important aspects of running a successful YouTube page may just be politics. But getting noticed, increasing conversions, expanding subscribers, upping likes and making more money may not necessarily come from the most obvious practices.
For example, it may seem obvious that currying favor with your clientele base will happen as you align your YouTube channel or webpage with relevant trends. While this seems obvious, the reality is, it isn’t so cut-and-dried. It turns out big media corporations have their own agendas. If you don’t believe that, go watch an old Looney Tunes cartoon about the Second World War.

Bad Generals
Back in the second global conflict, the U.S. government commissioned Hollywood studios to distribute various positive propaganda films designed to curry public support regarding America’s presence in both the South Pacific and European battle theaters. Remember the Looney Tunes cartoon where the base gets bombed and the man says: “I’m a bad general?”
Well, that was pro-American propaganda. The same thing still goes on today, it’s just that the silver screen has been replaced by the LCD screen you’re reading this from. Internet possibilities have been hijacked by governing interests since before they were mainstream. Accordingly, that which is politically expedient for the government may not necessarily be politically expedient for your viewership.
Since there is way too much information on the Web for physical review of all entered content, unless your video is red-flagged, it could be in direct contravention of puppeteering policies by intelligence agencies, and not be challenged. Even if the video is flagged, it could be appealed.
The point of all this? You need to structure your content based on what your core audience wants, not based on what seems trendy, or what narrative is being espoused by the talking heads on major “news” networks these days. People en masse often have a different ideal than governing bodies—that’s been the case throughout human history. Tapping into that will yield greater visibility even if it seems slightly counterintuitive when certain trends are taken into account.
Getting In The Minds Of Prospective Clients
If you really want to positively affect Google rankings, read this. According to the site: “Once you understand how the minds of your audience work, you’ll be able to get your channel playlists running and increase your momentum.” This is key: understanding the minds of your audience. Don’t go with narratives, go with reality—how do your clients think?
Today’s world has more opportunities for small businesses than ever, but you’ve got to be savvy. It isn’t in the best interests of massive organizations for individuals to become affluent based on a few videos here and there; that’s one reason YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets can “shadow ban” certain users.
But if you know your clients’ minds, getting shadow-banned could “Streisand Effect” your business to the top. The bottom line is: do the right thing. Get the numbers. Know your demographic. Use those numbers to cater to that demographic. If you’re consistently producing content that reflects how your prospects think, you’ll eventually see the positive results you seek. It may just require persistence.

Ashley Lipman is a super-connector with Linkio who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.The post The Most Controversial Practices That DO NOT (Directly) Affect Your Google Rankings appeared first on SiteProNews.
Source: Site Pro News
Link: The Most Controversial Practices That DO NOT (Directly) Affect Your Google Rankings

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