How SEO Fits Into Digital Marketing Strategies

“SEO is a foundational element of digital marketing. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Organizations should focus on how all of their marketing elements integrate, resulting in an Omni-channel strategy that focuses on a net objective but allowing for customization to customer.”
— Alison Herzog, Dell marketing director of global social business and digital strategy
If you are having challenges besting your competitors in your chosen industry, there is a good chance that bad SEO is partly to blame. Without  a thoughtfully conceived SEO strategy used in conjunction with full scale digital marketing practices, your competition has an edge.
Despite the almost yearly shrieks and howls that accompany the stories about the demise of SEO each time an algorithm is changed or updated, rest assured that it is not dead nor is it going anywhere anytime soon. As long as people still interact with search engines the way they currently do, SEO will still exist.
Today, SEO is as important as ever considering that roughly 15 percent of Google’s 3.5 billion daily searches are unique to the engine. For those keeping score, that’s 525 million unseen searches every day. SEO determines if your site will be found for these searches or not at all.
If your company is already swamped managing the various arms of your digital marketing strategy; social media, publishing content, e-mail, PPC campaigns, influencer marketing, and a thousand other promising endeavors, where in the world can SEO fit in to all of this? Don’t fret. You can do this.
If you have been keeping up with SEO trends and ways to push your site higher in the SERPs you are already in the know. For those who are unaware, however, here is the role SEO should be playing in your digital marketing strategy.
SEO Produces the Highest ROI in Digital Marketing
There is no doubt that SEO is difficult to effectively implement and requires a great deal of time and resources to properly cultivate. Challenges aside, SEO can produce some of the highest return on investments out of all digital marketing modalities. Websites that are ranked within the top three seats on Google typically capture about 33 percent of engagements from all Internet users. This means that depending on the popularity of your niche, you could be driving millions of visitors to your site daily. And if your site is optimized to make conversions, then you are looking at a hefty number of sales.
More than just generating consumer purchases, however, a high ranked site will instill credence and credibility to your brand, which will continue to help your company bolster its revenue.
Make sure that all of your efforts are supporting this noble cause.
SEO Equipped Video
Online video is quickly becoming one of the hottest and most effective ways of engaging viewers, educating audiences, driving sales and achieving a plethora of other goals. Online video is now dominating the Web, yet many marketers are falling short when it comes to optimizing video content for SEO purposes.
There are a variety of ways to spice up content for an SEO boost. When it comes to digital video, creators are a bit more limited but can still achieve the same results.
In order to fully optimize videos, be sure to craft concise and compelling titles that are about 70 characters long with descriptive and relevant keywords toward the beginning. It is also massively helpful to describe the important information in the first two sentences of the description using relevant keywords. Additionally, a video transcript may be in order to help with keyword optimization. Ensure that you link to social profiles, related videos, and the company website as well. Lastly, leverage of all the tags and files you can by incorporating keywords you wish to rank for.
SEO is the Infrastructure to Email Marketing and PPC Campaigns
While there are many prevalent factors to a digital marketing strategy, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, e-mail marketing, banner ads, and other forms of outbound marketing are among some of the most crucial aspects.
All of these elements should be heavily supported by SEO. Running ad campaigns through AdWords or Facebook will naturally incorporate SEO because these ads are often displayed in accordance with keyword queries. E-mail marketing, however, should be just as rigorous with its search engine optimization efforts as the keywords noted will not only draw the eye of recipients and help guide their decision, but this will help to supplement the attempts made through advertising. By incorporating a strong keyword plan into all of these avenues, you stand to drive an abundance of unique users to your site.
It is often advisable for small business to outsource their SEO efforts because owners often do not have the time or know-how to accomplish the job properly. Do be aware, however, that many in the industry claim to be search engine gurus, but nothing could be further from the truth. Be sure to proceed with caution when hiring a firm to handle your optimization.
The fact is that SEO should be woven all throughout your digital marketing strategy. Keywords that you know your customers are using to attempt to find your products and services should be incorporated into content, ads, e-mails, social posts, website copy and everything else that you are publishing and sharing with the world.
Remember that SEO is a marathon, not a race; you are in this for the long haul so don’t blow through all of your resources in the first mile. By continually making smaller pushes to surpass your competitors, you are setting the groundwork for a solid SEO foundation.
Are you currently incorporating SEO into your digital marketing strategy? If so, what are your key tactics? If not, what is your biggest challenge with starting an SEO strategy?

Conscious online marketer, web executive, and multi-faceted writer Tina Courtney has been creating and fostering online innovations since 1996. Tina has assisted many clients in maximizing online production and marketing efforts, and is a staff writer for SiteProNews, one of the Web’s foremost webmaster and tech news blogs. She’s produced and marketed innovative content for major players like Disney and JDate, as well as boutique startups galore, with fortes including social media, SEO, influencer marketing, community management, lead generation, and project management. Tina is also a certified Reiki practitioner, herbalist, and accomplished life coach.  Learn more on LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.The post How SEO Fits Into Digital Marketing Strategies appeared first on SiteProNews.
Source: Site Pro News
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