While the digital world can be highly changeable, some things remain the same. One of those constants is that PPC is still a primary profit generator, and a lucrative way to monetize. When you look at the methods of the highest earning websites across the web, what is often at the very top of their earning strategies? PPC.
If you are looking for a way to optimize your own website for higher earning potential, these tools are must haves.
Ringostat is an intelligent call tracking tool that increases the performance of the advertising and optimizes business workflow.
Ringostat multi-channel report shows the sequences of interactions that brought the user the phone call. With this type of reports Ringostat clients see how previous referrals and searches contributed to their sales, what traffic sources were the first in the consideration process and what sources ultimately converted the user into the lead.
Moreover, these reports show the number of visits from each advertising channel. The call log allows to evaluate the efficiency of advertising campaigns and properly re-allocate the advertising budget. Showing the source of each phone call up to a keyword level, it helps to determine the campaigns that really generate calls.
Obviously, you can glean a lot about your customer base this way, which can really help you with ad planning. It is expensive, but worth it if you have a decent sized business.
Adwords Editor
Nothing is as frustrating as having to manually go in and edit a bunch of different campaigns in Google AdWords. So your best bet is to make it possible to mass edit and make changes faster.
Adwords Editor gives you the power to do that. It is a super simple tool, maybe so simple it doesn’t seem like it would be that helpful. But it is…oh, yes, it is.
Keyword Planner
Speaking of Google, have you used their Keyword Planner yet? If not, you are insane. This is hands down the best free research tool on the web.
You can find the best keyword combinations and monitor your campaign progress, making changes along the way until you have the best possible keywords targeted. Start using it, and thank me later. If you are already using it, use it more. Then thank me again.
Answer The Public
This is a great secondary keyword research tool to use in addition to Google’s Planner. You can generate questions related to your business, and come up with some awesome target phrases. Plus, it is free.
This is out of the usual scope of PPC tools, but is still really valuable and can inform your strategy later on.
How do you keep a leg up on the competition? Spy on them, of course! This tool is a handy little app that will do the detective work for you.
You can find out what keywords they are targeting, how much they are spending on campaigns, and a lot more. Sometimes knowing what the other guys are doing is the best possible way to improve your own efforts.
Trello is kind of my collaboration and project management tool of choice. I use it for everything from professional projects to personal ones.
I find with PPC campaigns it is a great way to organize keywords, track data, and make future plans. Especially if you are working with a team that needs to stay involved.
Adwords Scripts
No one really likes spending all the time needed to run an effective PPC campaign. It takes ages, and so much energy.
These scripts written by BrainLabs automate several of the tasks that take up the most time. Every one of these is a lifesaver, and you should implement them immediately.
Have some tools to add? Let us know in the comments!
The post 7 Must-Have Tools for PPC Managers appeared first on SEO Chat.
Source: SEO Chat
Link: 7 Must-Have Tools for PPC Managers
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