7 Fail-Proof Ways to Drive Organic Traffic in 2017

Many business owners know that value of SEO for driving organic traffic. However, with all the Google algorithm changes, it’s understandable why most people feel at a loss about what works and what doesn’t.
Today’s organic reach is not just determined by the keywords you stuff your copy with and the number of links you can buy. On the contrary, organic traffic only comes to those who have quality content.
Here’s how to get noticed by search engines in 2017:
1. Work on your influencer outreach strategy
Think about your industry as a giant online community. You are all in it together, so why not help each other?
I know that influencer outreach can be a bit scary – begging for links isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But you only need to jumpstart it and allow the snowball effect to happen.
Take a look at the 100 most influential content marketers. There’s a list with Twitter handles you can easily use to spark a conversation.
Another way to get links from influencers is to mention them in your blog posts and let them know about it. They might want to link back or even tweet your article.
Who doesn’t like to be praised?
2. Join conversations in Facebook groups
There are tens (if not hundreds) of Facebook groups for almost every niche. Join as many of them as possible and engage in conversations with your peers.
Get friendly with the group admins and you will have the chance to be the group’s primary content provider. Aside from the actual traffic posting in groups will bring you, you will also get other perks like recognition, a stronger reputation and yes, even Internet fame.
3. Find out what the competition is doing
You can’t get too much traffic if your competitors are stealing it all, can’t you? So why not get ahead of the competition?
Services like Ahrefs are a great place to find out which websites link to your competitors. And you know what? If those websites loved your competitors’ work, they might just love yours, as well.
But remember, every time you reach out to other bloggers you should have something to give in exchange. At least a link back to their website. Of course, great content could make some people link your articles without even having to ask, but if you’re not there yet, you should have a honey pot prepared.
4. Create GREAT content
I’ve said this a million times: there’s no better way to get noticed than to give people what they want. And, in this game, what they want is always great content.
But writing the perfect blog post is easier said than done, right?
Here’s how to get started: first off, head on to BuzzSumo and type in the topic of your next piece of content. Read the articles in results carefully.
Then ask yourself: can you do a better job? Can you write a better, more researched and fact-backed post than your competitors? If your honest answer is “yes”, then this is your golden ticket.
The top results in BuzzSumo get thousands of reads and social shares. Not to mention the attention of search engines. If you can beat that quality, you’re just one step away from your organic traffic goal.
5. Guest post on high-DA platforms
If your website or blog isn’t getting much traction, a great way to put a spotlight on it is to guest post on various platforms.
Ever since I started regularly blogging for SiteProNews, I noticed a significant increase in traffic. Plus, it’s always great to share your ideas with new audiences.
It goes without saying that, when you guest blog, you should be allowed to have at least one link in your bio or copy back to your website or blog. If the platform denies you this, you might be dealing with a content farm, not a website where you want your name to appear.
Guest posting is a great way to secure traffic in the long-run. You won’t just get the occasional click when your article is featured. You will also improve your domain authority significantly due to the links.
6. Go visual
Infographics and slide decks are all the rage now.
Why, you ask?
Because they are visually-appealing and jam-packed with research-backed information. People love infographics because putting data in a visual context helps them understand and memorize it better.
Even more, posting infographics and slide decks on social media is bound to bring you a lot of retweets and shares. Bit-sized information is great for everyone. Plus, you’ll reach people who don’t have the time to read a lengthy article and enjoy getting their information at a glance.
Consequently, numerous retweets and shares will bring you a stronger social media community. In the long-run, this means more people who are eager to click on all your links and, yes, more organic traffic.
7. Play the long-term game
When you conduct keyword research, think about those keywords that bring actual value to your website and business. The most popular ones are, of course, long-tail keywords. They might be harder to fit in, but “how to create great content” will bring you more (targeted) traffic than “great content.”
As a rule of thumb, instructional articles (how-to pieces) are excellent for your long-term strategy. There will always people searching for information and you’ll always be there to deliver it.
Next up: update your old content. Make sure that all the links you inserted are still valid. Update your research quotes. And don’t forget about the basics: you have a new idea that could enrich an older article, add it. The higher the word count, the better your ranking and, thus, the more organic traffic you will get.
Getting organic traffic is all about quality
Before you spend ages trying to get links and even pondering black-hat SEO techniques (by the way, they are NEVER a good idea), work on improving your content quality.
Excellent, information-packed and easy to read articles will bring both links and visitors. Pair that with an influencer outreach program and savvy social media techniques and you’ve got yourself a winning strategy.

Adriana Tica is an expert marketer and copywriter, with 10 years in the field, most of which were spent marketing tech companies. She is the CEO of Idunn, a digital marketing agency that helps clients all over the world with copywriting, social media marketing and marketing strategy. Follow her blog here: http://idunn.pro/blog.The post 7 Fail-Proof Ways to Drive Organic Traffic in 2017 appeared first on SiteProNews.
Source: Site Pro News
Link: 7 Fail-Proof Ways to Drive Organic Traffic in 2017

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