7 B2B content distribution strategies that work

You’ve created awesome content, but now what?

Content distribution is the secret sauce that gets your hard work in front of the right eyes.

And for B2B, you need a content strategy with a strategic distribution plan.

I’ve been in the content trenches for years, and I’ve seen firsthand what works (and what falls flat).

Here are a few proven ways to supercharge your B2B content distribution strategy. 

Top B2B content distribution strategies that work

Content marketing is crucial for B2B.

But it’s not enough to just create great content.

What matters is how you distribute it to the right people through the right channels. 

The most effective B2B content distribution channels, according to a study by Content Marketing Institute, are:

Email (87%)

LinkedIn (81%)

X (80%)

Facebook (80%)

YouTube (62%) 

The study also found that the top goals for B2B content marketing are brand awareness (86%), lead generation (85%) and engagement (81%).

So, how do you reach your target audience and achieve content marketing success? Here are some of the top B2B content distribution strategies that work:

Social media

Email marketing

Influencer marketing

Paid advertising

Guest posting

Repurposing content

Let’s examine each of these distribution channels in more detail and consider how you can use them to distribute your content effectively.

1. Promote on social media

Social media is one of the most popular distribution channels for B2B content. Many successful B2B marketers even go beyond organic social and invest in paid social to promote their content. 

Up to 49% of successful content marketers used paid social media to promote content, per a 2023 Semrush survey.

But when it comes to social media content distribution, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. When choosing social media platforms for B2B content distribution, it’s important to consider where your target audience is most active. 

LinkedIn is often the top choice for B2B marketers, as it’s a professional network with over 700 million users. 

Facebook and X can also be effective for reaching a broader audience and engaging with industry influencers. 

Optimize content for each platform

To optimize your content for each social media platform, consider the unique features and best practices of each one. 

For example, long-form articles and thought leadership content tend to perform well on LinkedIn, while short, snappy updates and engaging visuals are key on X. 

On Facebook, video content and live streaming can effectively drive engagement. 

No matter which platform you choose for your B2B content distribution strategy:

Keep your posts short and sweet.

Use visually appealing elements.

Use appropriate hashtags to increase visibility.

Engage with your audience

Engaging with your audience on social media is crucial for any B2B content distribution strategy that aims to build relationships and drive conversions. 

Respond to comments and messages promptly, ask questions to encourage discussion and share user-generated content to show appreciation for your followers.

You can also use social listening tools to monitor mentions of your brand and join relevant conversations.


Use a conversational tone.

Show your brand’s personality.

Be authentic in your interactions.

Use paid promotion

Paid social media advertising can help amplify your content and reach a larger, targeted audience. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and X offer robust targeting options based on demographics, interests and behaviors. 

When creating ads, use compelling visuals and copy and include a clear call to action to drive clicks and conversions. Test different ad formats, targeting options and messaging to see what works best for your audience. 

You can effectively distribute your content and reach your target audience by leveraging social media platforms and using these best practices.

Social media is just one piece of the puzzle. In the next section, we’ll explore how you can use email marketing to nurture leads and drive conversions.

2. Reach out to your email subscribers

Ah, email marketing – the tried-and-true workhorse of any solid B2B content distribution strategy. But let’s be real. Nobody wants to be just another unopened email in someone’s cluttered inbox.

What is the key to making your email campaigns stand out? Personalization.

And I’m not just talking about slapping someone’s first name in the subject line (although that doesn’t hurt). I’m talking about crafting email content that speaks directly to your target audience and their unique pain points.

Segment your email list

First things first, you have to segment that email list. 

Segmented email campaigns have been shown to drive a 760% increase in revenue, according to Campaign Monitor.

Not all of your subscribers are created equal and they shouldn’t be treated as such.

Divide them up based on factors like job title, industry, content interests, or even where they are in the buyer’s journey.

By tailoring your emails to each segment, you’ll be able to deliver content that resonates with your subscribers and drives engagement.

Personalize email content

Once you’ve locked and loaded your segments, it’s time to get personal – and I mean really personal. Use merge tags to include the recipient’s name, company or other relevant details in the email copy.

But don’t stop there.

Take it further by tailoring the content based on each segment’s unique needs and interests. Maybe that means sending a case study to your “decision maker” segment or a how-to guide to your “practitioner” segment.

The more relevant and valuable your content is, the more likely your subscribers are to engage with it.

Include clear calls to action

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But what about the sales pitch?” 

And you’re right. Every email should have a clear call to action (CTA) that guides the reader to the next step in the marketing funnel.

But here’s the thing – your CTA doesn’t always have to be a hard sell. Sometimes, it might be as simple as encouraging the reader to check out a blog post, download a whitepaper or register for a webinar. 

The key is to make sure your CTA is relevant to the content of the email and provides value to the reader.

Monitor and analyze performance

Don’t just click the “Send” button and hope for the best. Track those metrics like a hawk.

Open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates – these are all crucial indicators of how well your email campaigns are performing.

Use tools like Google Analytics or your email marketing platform’s built-in analytics to keep a pulse on your campaigns. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different subject lines, content formats, or CTAs to see what works best for your audience.

Email marketing is all about building relationships with your target audience. By segmenting your list, personalizing your content and providing clear value with every email, you’ll be well on your way to creating email campaigns that actually get opened, read and acted upon.

3. Collaborate with industry influencers

When it comes to B2B content marketing, knowing the right influencers can be a game-changer. I’ve seen firsthand how collaborating with relevant influencers can skyrocket your brand awareness and generate leads like nobody’s business.

But it’s not just about finding any old influencer with a big following. You need to be strategic about it.

Identify relevant influencers

You need to identify influencers who matter to your target audience. These are the thought leaders and experts who have already built trust and credibility with your potential customers.

How do you find them?

Start by scouring social media and industry blogs for individuals with engaged followings and a track record of creating killer content. Tools like BuzzSumo and Traackr can also help you zero in on top influencers based on keywords and topics.

Build relationships

Once you’ve found your dream team of influencers, it’s time to start building those relationships. This is not a one-and-done kind of thing. It takes time, effort and a whole lot of genuine engagement.

Start by interacting with their content on social media. Leave thoughtful comments, share their posts and show them some love. Then, when the time is right, reach out directly to introduce yourself and your brand. 

But don’t just go in for the hard sell – propose collaboration ideas that will benefit both parties.

Co-create content

When it comes to co-creating content with influencers, the possibilities are endless. You could partner up for a webinar, podcast episode, or blog post that showcases your shared expertise. Or invite them to contribute quotes or insights to your content.

One of my favorite tactics? Featuring influencers in case studies or interviews. This adds credibility to your brand and helps you tap into their audience and expand your reach.

Promote influencer content

Once you’ve created valuable content with your influencer squad, it’s time to shout it from the rooftops. Share that content across all your channels – social media, email newsletters, your website, you name it.

And don’t be afraid to put some paid promotion behind it, too. Almost 81% of marketers who use influencer marketing say it’s an effective strategy, per a HubSpot study. So go ahead and amplify that content to drive even more traffic and engagement.

The bottom line?

Collaborating with industry influencers is a powerful way to build credibility, expand your reach and generate leads for your B2B brand. But it’s not a “set it and forget it” strategy. It takes time, effort and a whole lot of relationship-building to get it right.

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4. Invest in paid advertising

I’ve been in content marketing for over a decade now. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that PPC advertising is a powerful tool for reaching your target audience and driving quick results.

But here’s the thing: it’s not just about throwing money at ads and hoping for the best. To make paid advertising work for your B2B content marketing strategy, you need to be strategic and intentional every step of the way.

Choose relevant platforms

You have to choose the right platforms for your ads.

Not all platforms are created equal when it comes to B2B lead generation.

LinkedIn Ads can be a goldmine for reaching decision-makers in specific industries or job functions. Meanwhile, Google Ads lets you target users based on their search intent, which can be hugely valuable for reaching out to decision-makers at the right stage of the marketing funnel.

Create compelling ad copy

Next, it’s all about crafting ad copy that grabs attention and drives action. You want your ads to stand out in a sea of generic, boring copy.

Use clear, concise language that highlights the unique value of your content or offer. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative and show some personality.

And always, always include a strong call to action. Make it clear what you want people to do, whether clicking through to your content, signing up for a webinar, or requesting a demo.

Target the right audience

Even the most brilliant ad copy will do little good if it doesn’t reach the right people. That’s why targeting is crucial.

Take advantage of the robust targeting options available on platforms like LinkedIn and Google. Zero in on your ideal audience based on factors like job title, company size, industry, search keywords and more.

The more targeted your ads, the more likely you are to reach folks who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Monitor and optimize ad campaigns

Keep a close eye on key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates and cost per acquisition. Use A/B testing to experiment with different ad copy, targeting and landing pages.

Over time, you’ll start to see patterns emerge. Double down on what’s working and ditch what’s not. Refine your targeting, messaging and overall strategy based on real data and insights.

The beauty of paid advertising is that it lets you reach your target audience quickly and effectively. But to really make it work for your B2B content marketing strategy, you gotta put in the time and effort to do it right.

Choose your platforms wisely, craft compelling copy, target with precision and always optimize. Trust me, the payoff is worth it.

5. Publish guest posts on relevant websites

Wanna know one of my all-time favorite ways to boost brand awareness and establish thought leadership? 

Guest posting.

Publishing content on other relevant websites can be an absolute game-changer for your B2B content marketing strategy. Not only does it help you reach a whole new audience, but it also lends some serious credibility to your brand.

Identify relevant websites

First, you have to find the right websites to target for your guest posts. And not just any old website will do – you want highly relevant and credible sites in your industry or niche.

Start by searching for blogs and publications that cover topics similar to yours. Look for sites with engaged audiences and a track record of publishing high-quality content.

You can also use tools like Ahrefs or Semrush to research potential sites based on metrics like traffic and domain authority.

Pitch guest post ideas

Once you’ve got a list of target sites, it’s time to pitch your guest post ideas. A generic, one-size-fits-all pitch isn’t going to cut it.

Take the time to really research each site and tailor your pitch accordingly. Read their existing content to get a feel for their style and audience.

Then, craft a personalized pitch that highlights your expertise and the unique value you can bring to their readers. Include a few specific topic ideas and a brief outline of what you plan to cover.

Create high-quality content

If your pitch is accepted (and if you follow my advice, it will be), it’s time to get down to business and create high-quality content.

Remember, this isn’t just any blog post – it’s a chance to showcase your knowledge and build trust with a new audience. So don’t phone it in.

Do your research, provide actionable insights and make sure your writing is engaging and easy to read. Use examples, data and storytelling to bring your points to life.

And don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action at the end of your post, directing readers back to your website or landing page.

Link back to your website

Speaking of directing readers back to your site, let’s talk about backlinks. One of the biggest benefits of guest posting is the opportunity to include links back to your website within your content.

These backlinks drive referral traffic and boost your search engine rankings. Be sure to use relevant anchor text and link to pages that provide additional value to readers.

You’ll want to follow each site’s guidelines for linking as some may have specific requirements or restrictions. But generally, aim to include at least one or two backlinks per post.

Guest posting can be an incredibly effective way to build relationships with other thought leaders in your industry, drive traffic to your site and boost your search engine rankings. But like anything else in content marketing, it requires time, effort and a strategic approach.

Focus on finding the right sites, creating valuable content and building genuine relationships with editors and other contributors. Trust me, the results are worth it.

6. Repurpose existing content

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my decade-long experience in content marketing, it’s that your existing content is a goldmine waiting to be tapped.

You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel with every piece of content you create. Some of my biggest wins have come from simply repurposing and redistributing content I already had.

Identify top-performing content

The first step is to review your analytics and identify your top-performing pieces. These blog posts, videos, podcasts or infographics have gone viral and continue to resonate with your audience.

Tools like Google Analytics or BuzzSumo can give you great insights into what’s working. Look for content with high traffic, engagement and conversions.

Repurpose into different formats

Once you’ve found your winners, it’s time to get creative. Think about how you can repurpose that content into different formats to reach new audiences.

For example, could you turn a video or podcast episode into a long-form blog post? Could an infographic become an animated explainer? The possibilities are endless.

Here are some ideas:

Turn blog posts into a slide deck and share it on SlideShare

Create a video series from a how-to guide

Break a long-form piece into a series of social media posts

Compile blog posts into an ebook or white paper

The key is to adapt the content to the strengths of each format and platform. This way, you’re not just rehashing the same thing but adding new value.

Distribute across multiple channels

Now that you have repurposed content in fresh formats, don’t just let it sit there. Distribute it far and wide across all your channels.

Share it on social media, include it in your email newsletters, pitch it to other blogs or publications. The more places your content appears, the more mileage you’ll get out of it.

One trick I like is creating a content distribution checklist with all the channels and platforms I want to hit. This way, I make sure I’m covering all my bases and getting the 

By repurposing and redistributing your best content, you can reach new audiences, reinforce your message and get way more bang for your content buck. It’s one of the smartest strategies in the content marketing playbook.

Dig deeper: Repurposing content with AI: Streamlining blog roundups and skyscraper posts

7. Optimize your distribution strategy

Creating great content is only half the battle. The other half is making sure that content actually reaches your target audience. That’s where your distribution strategy comes in.

But how do you know if your distribution efforts are paying off? The answer lies in analyzing your performance and continuously optimizing your approach.

Track key performance indicators

First things first: you need to identify the right KPIs to track. These will depend on your specific goals, but some common ones include:


Engagement (likes, comments, shares)

Conversions (sign-ups, sales, etc.)

Bounce rate

Time on page

Tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social can help you track these metrics across different channels.

Analyze content performance

Look at which pieces of content are driving the most traffic, engagement and conversions. These are the superstars that you’ll want to double down on.

For example, if you notice that your audience loves in-depth how-to guides, consider creating more of that type of content. Or, if a particular topic strikes a chord, explore that area further.

Monitor audience engagement

Engagement is a great indicator of how well your content resonates with your audience. Track metrics like comments, shares and mentions to gauge how people are interacting with your content.

Pay attention to qualitative feedback, too. What are people saying about your content? Are there common questions or themes that keep popping up? This can give you valuable insights into what your audience wants to see more (or less) of.

Optimize distribution channels

Take a hard look at your distribution channels. Are you getting the most out of each one?

For example, if you’re getting tons of engagement on LinkedIn but crickets on X, it might be time to rethink your X strategy. Or, if you’re pouring a lot of effort into a channel that’s not delivering results, consider scaling back or even scrapping it altogether.

The key is to continuously test, analyze and refine. No distribution strategy is perfect from the get-go. It’s an ongoing process of learning what works for your unique audience and goals.

As Content Marketing Institute puts it:

“Your content distribution strategy should be a living, breathing thing – something you’re constantly analyzing and optimizing based on performance.”

By staying data-driven and agile, you can make sure your content is always reaching the right people in the right places at the right times. And that’s the secret to content marketing success.

Analyze, optimize, adapt

B2B content distribution is all about getting your content in front of the right people at the right time.

Engaging with your followers on social media, blasting emails, going big on ads, teaming up with influencers and guest blogging can really spread your message far and wide while bringing in some solid results.

But the key to success? Always keep your target audience at the heart of your strategy.

Analyze, optimize and adapt your approach based on what resonates with your ideal customers. Just imagine turning the stuff you write into a magnet for new customers and more cash flow – all it takes is some smart thinking and elbow grease.